In 2001, twenty works by Isamu Noguchi were shipped from his former studio in Japan, now the Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum of Japan, to the Noguchi Museum in Long Island City, to become part of the permanent collection.
An exhibition of the works, entitled Relocated, was held from April 10 to October 31, 2001. This accompanying catalogue includes photographs and statements about Noguchi’s work in granite, basalt and andesite.
Edited by Amy Hau
Texts by Shoji Sadao, Thomas M. Messer, Bonnie Rychlak
Photography by Kevin Noble, Isamu Noguchi, Michio Noguchi, Kishin Shinoyama
Book design & production by COMA
Printed by Veenman Drukkers, The Netherlands
Published by The Isamu Noguchi Foundation, Inc., 2001
Softcover. 52 pages, 7.5 x 11 in.
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